
Interview with TweakerRay

Which song was the first you recorded with Hanin ?

That was "Untouchable". Hanin was so inspired by the raw instrumental version of the song and had instantly a title. She spoke it on my answeringmachine. I worked a little further on that song and did not know wether I should give her a melody-idea or not, because I could not imagine how someone could sing over the instrumental version. I decided to give Hanin a free hand. She traveled to Hamburg and we recorded "Untouchable". When I had heard her first take I was really surprised about the melody and the lyrics which fitted the instrumental so well. I was glad I have not made a melodyline before. Now the song sounded so good with the vocals as if it had been composed with this new melody. After that song we recorded War / Extreme V4. Originally it was a song of my bandproject: [ SPITE ]. We also made some shots for the video,my brother works on. Its finished and it looks great. You can see some [ pictures ] here on www.tweakerray.de.

TweakerRay is a very strange name.
How did you get this name?

I always liked the name Ray. And as an artist's name I did not want something that already exists. I wanted one single word. Freely translated Tweak signifies in the audioworld changing or tuning audio. And I have simply combined the words Tweak and Ray. So it became something new.

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